Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Meet Sarge, Karl's new Kitty

Karl has been lonesome for all his animals we left in Wisconsin when we moved. It was a tough decision but we didn't know how things would be here so we didn't bring any animals along with us. This weekend we were able to get a kitty from a friend for Karl. Karl is very happy and as he told me, " Ahhh, Now I remember what fur feels like!". Maybe he'll be a vet?

I took Karl's picture and he took the rest. One picture is of Sarge's short tail. He looks like he is part Siamese and part Manx.... Sarge, that is.

Friday, September 26, 2008

We've hit another snag

I haven't posted much about the adoption since we didn't have much to share. However, this week we got a surprise. Acres of Hope contacted us that the Embassy in Liberia had contacted them. I haven't been able to find out what specifically the Embassy told AOH, but I'm working on that. However, we still don't have clearance to travel and we were advised NOT to make any travel arrangements yet.

We also don't know the outcome of Abraham's age test so I don't know if that's the hold up or if it is something new. When I know more, I'll share. In the meantime, we're praying for resolution to our adoption so we can bring our three kiddos home soon. I find I'm losing patience with people since we've waited this long and information is scarce. Others in similiar situations have referred to this as 'Mama Bear' mode. So my prayer also includes keeping my attitudes correct. :-)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bowling is a workout!!!

I took the teens bowling on Saturday afternoon for the first time in YEARS! Whew! I think I'll be able to walk normal today. I always get sore the second day after exertion so at least I didn't look ridiculous at church on Sunday. However, yesterday all the lactic acid in my muscles attacked. I felt like I needed a walker. I actually limped! My loving spouse said he laughed (to himself) when he saw me walking yesterday morning like an 'old woman'. It was a good thing I didn't see him laughing. Even the teenagers were sore. Sheesh! I guess that PE class has GOT to be added into our schedule on a daily basis. I figured out that if I exercised 5 minutes every hour for 12 hours a day, I'd exercise an hour a day. I'll let you know how that works out. ;-)

Well, gotta run.... we have a field trip today..... to a bowling alley!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sweet Sixteen... for Erik

Do boys have sweet sixteen birthdays? Probably not, but we like to tease in our family and Erik is the perfect target since he turned sixteen on Saturday. Yep, that's right he was born on the 13th AND a Friday! If I were superstitious, which I'm not, I'd say that's why he's so silly but I know it is just the family traits coming through.

Seriously, Happy Birthday, Erik, to my first-born son.

Here he is with a book he requested. He's very interested in politics.

This is one of the albums Karl got him. Yes, that's right.... you are seeing Dean Martin.

Here is the other gift from Karl. You can't see it very well but it is another album, this one is Paul Simon.

Abraham's Age Test

We found out on Friday that Abraham's age test has been completed. We don't have anymore information beyond that, though, about whether everything is a 'go' or if there is more to do or how old he supposedly is. I say supposedly because age testing as I understand is still a guess. Maybe a more educated guess, but a guess regardless.

I'll post more when we hear more.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Craig's Braces

Hi this is Erin, mom asked me to put a picture of Craig after he got his braces. So that is what I'm doing. Craig got his braces on Tuesday morning and his teeth had started shifting by Wednesday already. But not to worry, Craig was popping the ibuprofen. Here he is! Isn't he so cute with his braces.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Orphans around the world...

Now that we live in Florida, we are acutely aware of the hurricanes and tropical storms of our southern state. Tropical storm Fay brought us a lot of rain but we were spared since we were always west of the storm. A homeschool group we belong to alerted us to the troubles of a missionary and a bunch of orphans he is helping in Haiti due to all the flooding through the hurricane season. They were stranded on a rooftop with flour and water for a few days. The whole town is destroyed. Click here for you to get information and to read the whole story.

Another lady from my the AOH support group shared a great slideshow about another family's experience adopting from Ethiopia.

As for any news...Liberia was supposed to have another public hearing on the revisions to the country's adoption laws. However, it didn't happen this week as planned. So, nothing to report.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Homeschool Freebies...

I love to check out freebies and share them with others that I know would like them, too. One freebie that I've found and am thoroughly pleased with is for homeschoolers, although anybody with kids would find these things useful. It is called Homeschool Resource of the Day. The Erskine family searches the web for neat downloadables that they can offer free for the day. The free resources range from e-books to mp3 files to games and curricula. You can subscribe to a weekly email alerting you to what will be offered for the week or you can check their website every day. For information and to subscribe go to


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Another teenager

I have to apologize to Craig for missing his birthday announcement. He became our newest teenager on Saturday. We took Nancy and Megan and the family to see alligators, manatees and other Florida critters so he didn't have his usual birthday supper. Our family tradition is the birthday person gets to pick what they want for supper. Since we were out we had sandwiches and stopped at Sonic for favorite drinks. Craig didn't want cake so we had ice cream when we got home to open gifts. Then, Sunday morning Megan and Nancy left, we went to church and had company for the afternoon. Craig decided to cook his own birthday supper. He made
Pork Loin Stir Fry & Rice. He's a pretty good cook so it was yummy.

Happy Birthday, Craig! We love you!